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This week, on Too Gentlemen...
CLIP SHOW! I know your excited. We revisit some material that got cut from old shows - specifically episodes 9, 11, 12 and 17. It's mostly stuff about creepy sex, but I think there's some robots and and movie talk to. Also, the Aristocrats, which we've been teasing for a couple of episodes.
Thanks, bands, for the interstitial music! If you want us to remove your music, shoot us an email.
Buy CDs, keep recorded music alive!
The Dismemberment Plan - It's So You
Japandroids - Secual Aerosol
Crypstomnesia - Puny Humans
In Flames - The Hive
Amon Amarth - Slaves of Fear
Jaydiohead - Ignorant Swan
Listen To Episode 43
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comment on here or email us - too.gentlemen at
Movie suggestion based on the first clip about the Real Dolls. There's a weird movie you might like called "Larse and the Real Girl". It's about a guy that buys a sex doll and starts wheeling it around, dressing it, and introducing it to his family as his crippled girlfriend. Overall it's got it's slightly funny moments.