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This week, on Too Gentlemen...
We're joined by Matt for the first of 2 relatively single-minded episodes about one topic: Sluts. And not much else. Tangentially we touch on rape and lots of uncomfortable stuff about relationships. John talks alot... like ALOT. Also, it's vaguely sociological and vaguely scientific and vaguely mathematical. It's vaguely offensive too.
Thanks, bands, for the interstitial music! If you want us to remove your music, shoot us an email.
Buy CDs, keep recorded music alive!
Daughters - The Virgin
Heliogable - The Slapped and the Slapper
Spiritual Beggars - Another Way to Shine
Conifer - Crown Fire
Arsis - Half Past Corpse O'clock
The Lonely Islands - I'm on a Boat
Listen To Episode 55
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